
Thursday, December 29, 2011


December 29, 2011
Whoever said that you can't make Christmas goodies after Christmas?  These are mocha chocolate truffles...

Yes, I ate one.  Or two.


December 28, 2011
The Christmas Tree is replaced with the New Years Houseplant.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


December 27, 2011
Last night of my brother visiting!  Love you bro, thanks for coming!


December 26, 2011
Living water rushing down the mountain brings a song full of peace and life!


December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas! Good Savior who came to this world as a baby to bring salvation and peace, to make us right with God.  Good Love that overflows into all the world to show us a different way.  May your Christmas be filled with blessings, family, friends, love, and life!

This is the perfect moment.

Monday, December 26, 2011


December 24, 2011
Happy Christmas Eve downtown in Pioneer Square!


December 23, 2011
First day of my brother's Christmas weekend visit began with a trip to Zoo Lights!


December 22, 2011
Facebook has not stopped me from sending out a Christmas photo!  I love getting Christmas photos from family and friends-- or I'd duck tape my laptop to the refrigerator with the screen open to all of your Facebook profiles.  Yes, I would.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


December 21, 2011
It's the first day of winter and the temps are supposed to get way down in the upper 20's tonight! Brrrrr!!! (That is said with a little bit of sarcasm.)


December 20, 2011
With a new hat must come a new coat. 

Monday, December 19, 2011


December 19, 2011
Happy Birthday to my Duncan Donuts.  He's 5 years old today!


December 18, 2011
I love B&W photos and I love hats! Cheers to both!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


December 17, 2011
The mall on a Saturday the weekend before Christmas?! What are you thinking?!


December 16, 2011
I love my AGC gals!  Pumpkin in a glass.  Liquid Red Hots.  That's all I'm going to say...


December 15, 2011
Whoa buddy! I'm slacking off with the photo posting!  Trivia night on the East side!  China provides over half the world's supply of pigs and "muselet" is the wire that covers the cork on a champagne bottle.  But this is the photo I took-- the candle on the bar.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


December 14, 2011
The sewing machine is out and ready to sew Christmas presents! Hmm... or maybe for next year?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


December 13, 2011
After an aborted trip to Zoo Lights tonight, I stayed home and became my own muse.


December 12, 2011
Tonight I knocked out one more of my 30x30 list-- learning a martial arts!  Through Groupon, I bought 5 lessons at a martial arts studio and took a Muay Thai class tonight-- a form of kickboxing.  After an hour long workout kicking and punching, and absorbing my workout partner's kicks and punches, I was jello.  Bringing out the inner tigress!  On to jiu jitsu!

Monday, December 12, 2011


December 11, 2011
This is the guy who I've been in a relationship with for almost 5 years and he stays faithful and loyal, and ever soft!  I'm glad Duncan was with me this evening... he's a good dog and I'm grateful for him.


December 10, 2011
Tulips in December... I think that will be the name of my first album. Or book.  Or band name.  Or coffee shop.  Hmm... or song.


December 9, 2011
Christmas party on the town!  Chateauneuf du Pape (wine), New York pepper steak, oysters in the shell, lobster garlic mashed potatoes, and creme brulee (just to mention a few). 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


December 8, 2011
Mom started the tradition years ago to make homemade pizza on tree decorating night, so I made homemade pizza tonight!  And I was going to decorate the tree, but now it's almost 10:30pm...

But the pizza was sure fabulous!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


December 7, 2011
This is a Christmas... houseplant.  Sharing the merry!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


December 6, 2011
So, remember how I said before how I want to learn how to make good soup this winter?  Here's my half-hearted attempt from tonight.  This is called: I'm Hungry And It's Late Soup
A few small potatoes baked in the microwave; several spoonfuls of cooked lentils over the potatoes; a half of an avacado sliced; smother with tomato soup from a box (the organic free-range kind).  Microwave for 3 minutes. Top with freshly ground pepper and sea salt.

Monday, December 5, 2011


December 5, 2011
If books are your friends like they are to me, you'll understand it's pretty exciting when a friend says she went through her bookshelf and wanted to get rid of a bunch of books and wonders if you want them. Yes, please. 

So, I too, have a bunch of books to get rid of.  Anyone want to look through them?

Sunday, December 4, 2011


December 4, 2011
One of my favorite parts about decorating for Christmas!


December 3, 2011
Christmas tree time!  Tarah and I had a fabulous time wandering through a tree farm and finding the perfect tree now nestled in the corner of our living room!

Friday, December 2, 2011


December 2, 2011
I think today's photo captures why I have felt so confused about the changing of seasons this year.  It's an odd conundrum.  I've been starting out the office window at the following for the past couple weeks: Help?

Christmas greetings and the leaves are still changing color and it's DECEMBER.


December 1, 2011
Wheat and rice at Ping! New places, new people, new adventures every day-- carpe diem, my friends, sieze the day!