July 31, 2011
The end of a beautiful weekend, the end of the month, almost the end of summer (yikes! and it just started!), and the end of the day. Had a lovely coffee date with girlfriends at a new coffee shop this afternoon, but forgot to take the photo. So here are the kids playing around:
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
July 30, 2011
Summer Mahi Mahi
Frozen Mahi Mahi fillet
Fresh green beans
1/2 red onion, sliced
4-5 cloves garlic, chopped in chunks
1/2 tsp dill
ground sea salt
Heat 1 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil in pan, add fillet and vegetables, sprinkle with dill and salt; cook until fish is flaky, about 10 min.
Summer Mahi Mahi
Frozen Mahi Mahi fillet
Fresh green beans
1/2 red onion, sliced
4-5 cloves garlic, chopped in chunks
1/2 tsp dill
ground sea salt
Heat 1 Tbsp extra virgin coconut oil in pan, add fillet and vegetables, sprinkle with dill and salt; cook until fish is flaky, about 10 min.
July 29, 2011
I think it's still technically July 29 since I haven't gone to bed yet. Spent hours on an epic game of Settlers of Catan tonight and I was within two points of winning! I finally like this game. This is Sarah, winner, proving what time we played until. I remember when I was 19, my normal bedtime was between 1-2 a.m.!
I think it's still technically July 29 since I haven't gone to bed yet. Spent hours on an epic game of Settlers of Catan tonight and I was within two points of winning! I finally like this game. This is Sarah, winner, proving what time we played until. I remember when I was 19, my normal bedtime was between 1-2 a.m.!
Friday, July 29, 2011
July 28, 2011
Some days I don't bring my camera along-- I should have tonight! I went ballroom dancing downtown with a couple friends, and it would have been the perfect photo op! So sorry. Here's the quote of the day:
Some days I don't bring my camera along-- I should have tonight! I went ballroom dancing downtown with a couple friends, and it would have been the perfect photo op! So sorry. Here's the quote of the day:
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
July 27, 2011
As I'm reading the words of King Solomon in the book of Ecclesiates this week, I'm finding the main theme of this man, who was "the wisest man who ever lived," is to simply do what you love to do while you're on earth, since life passes away so quickly. In pondering this today, I felt my gut wrench with, "What am I doing here?!" Surely working a job to pay off bills and debt isn't it? One little step I made back in 2008 to make a drop in the ocean was to sponsor a child with Compassion International. If you're feeling the urge to make a difference somehow, in someone's life, go to their website, www.compassion.com and sponsor a child for $38 a month, or help sponsor a Child Survival Center for $20 a month. Ah, I'm thinking about this because I went to the grocery store tonight because I had "nothing" to eat. I spent $50 on food for myself and cried as I ate it, with the realization of how blessed I truly am to have a full stomach as I go to bed tonight. These things we take for granted!
As I'm reading the words of King Solomon in the book of Ecclesiates this week, I'm finding the main theme of this man, who was "the wisest man who ever lived," is to simply do what you love to do while you're on earth, since life passes away so quickly. In pondering this today, I felt my gut wrench with, "What am I doing here?!" Surely working a job to pay off bills and debt isn't it? One little step I made back in 2008 to make a drop in the ocean was to sponsor a child with Compassion International. If you're feeling the urge to make a difference somehow, in someone's life, go to their website, www.compassion.com and sponsor a child for $38 a month, or help sponsor a Child Survival Center for $20 a month. Ah, I'm thinking about this because I went to the grocery store tonight because I had "nothing" to eat. I spent $50 on food for myself and cried as I ate it, with the realization of how blessed I truly am to have a full stomach as I go to bed tonight. These things we take for granted!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
July 26, 2011
Yeah, I just didn't want to take a photo today. Sorry. As it's almost 11 pm, I stepped out the door and slowed down the shutter speed enough to catch a car going by. I missed the police car flashing by just a split second too soon. Oh well.
Yeah, I just didn't want to take a photo today. Sorry. As it's almost 11 pm, I stepped out the door and slowed down the shutter speed enough to catch a car going by. I missed the police car flashing by just a split second too soon. Oh well.
Monday, July 25, 2011
July 25, 2011
I had that *Hahahaha! Oh.* moment tonight; some wisdom from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon:
"Just as being too busy gives you nightmares, being a fool makes you a blabbermouth. Ecclesiates 5:3
I had that *Hahahaha! Oh.* moment tonight; some wisdom from the wisest man who ever lived, King Solomon:
"Just as being too busy gives you nightmares, being a fool makes you a blabbermouth. Ecclesiates 5:3
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
July 22, 2011
Flicks on the Bricks tonight at Pioneer Square! It was the first time I've seen Top Gun *what!?* and after seeing it, everything in life makes perfect sense... (what?!)
And then there were the drunk people on the Max... hmm. And those kids who were wearing pink Katy Perry t-shirts...
Flicks on the Bricks tonight at Pioneer Square! It was the first time I've seen Top Gun *what!?* and after seeing it, everything in life makes perfect sense... (what?!)
And then there were the drunk people on the Max... hmm. And those kids who were wearing pink Katy Perry t-shirts...
Thursday, July 21, 2011
July 21, 2011
The recipe tonight is a Pan of Steamed Veggies! Freshly chopped beets, brussels sprouts, kale, baby carrots, red onion, cloves of garlic, and baby bok choy steamed in a pan with some water (don't let the water completely cook out, as the veggies will burn) and sprinkled with freshly ground lemon pepper and sea salt. Delish!
The recipe tonight is a Pan of Steamed Veggies! Freshly chopped beets, brussels sprouts, kale, baby carrots, red onion, cloves of garlic, and baby bok choy steamed in a pan with some water (don't let the water completely cook out, as the veggies will burn) and sprinkled with freshly ground lemon pepper and sea salt. Delish!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
July 20, 2011
Women know there's nothing quite like a superb fitting pair of shoes. Especially a pair that can be danced in for hours without a rub or a pinch. I found that pair of shoes and tangoed for almost an hour tonight with a fantastic dance partner! Sweet bliss!
Women know there's nothing quite like a superb fitting pair of shoes. Especially a pair that can be danced in for hours without a rub or a pinch. I found that pair of shoes and tangoed for almost an hour tonight with a fantastic dance partner! Sweet bliss!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
July 19, 2011
Two hundred photos! It's time for another recipe! This one is for a quick and easy snack (or late, late dinner if you're me): Rebecca's Gluten-Free North of the Border Quesadilla
Slap a tablespoon virgin coconut oil in the pan to heat. Cut one brown rice tortilla in half and place in pan. Layer sliced cheddar cheese, a couple tablespoons chipotle salsa, and about 1/2 cup pre-cooked lentils (I got mine from Trader Joe's-- precooked in a bag), and top with second half of tortilla. Cook on both sides until brown and crispy (around 5 minutes each side, more or less).
Coconut oil comes in a solid and is known for a myriad of health benefits including improving skin and the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, aids in weight loss, contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, helps in dissolving kidney stones, and myriads of other benefits. Definitely worth checking out! It adds a little bit of a light sweetness to foods, like almond oil does.
Two hundred photos! It's time for another recipe! This one is for a quick and easy snack (or late, late dinner if you're me): Rebecca's Gluten-Free North of the Border Quesadilla
Slap a tablespoon virgin coconut oil in the pan to heat. Cut one brown rice tortilla in half and place in pan. Layer sliced cheddar cheese, a couple tablespoons chipotle salsa, and about 1/2 cup pre-cooked lentils (I got mine from Trader Joe's-- precooked in a bag), and top with second half of tortilla. Cook on both sides until brown and crispy (around 5 minutes each side, more or less).
Coconut oil comes in a solid and is known for a myriad of health benefits including improving skin and the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, aids in weight loss, contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, helps in dissolving kidney stones, and myriads of other benefits. Definitely worth checking out! It adds a little bit of a light sweetness to foods, like almond oil does.
Monday, July 18, 2011
July 18, 2011
Ghost cat. An experiment in abstract using high ISO, slow shutter speed, and a fairly narrow aperture.
I love that glint in her eye!
Ghost cat. An experiment in abstract using high ISO, slow shutter speed, and a fairly narrow aperture.
I love that glint in her eye!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
July 17, 2011
I just couldn't resist. I had a photo of my flower garden all ready, but then I was in the kitchen making a snack and this adorable moment occurred.
I just couldn't resist. I had a photo of my flower garden all ready, but then I was in the kitchen making a snack and this adorable moment occurred.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
July 16, 2011
A restful day ended with a restful evening and a warm cup of sleepy time tea. If you're still awake and reading this, sweet dreams!
A restful day ended with a restful evening and a warm cup of sleepy time tea. If you're still awake and reading this, sweet dreams!
Friday, July 15, 2011
July 15, 2011
This is Friday night and I want to write something witty about my photo of the day today. I have nothing. This is a chicken.
This is Friday night and I want to write something witty about my photo of the day today. I have nothing. This is a chicken.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
July 14, 2011
I have a new photography muse! This dog could be the poster child for "pound puppy eyes." Who could look into these canine orbs and not do her bidding?!
I have a new photography muse! This dog could be the poster child for "pound puppy eyes." Who could look into these canine orbs and not do her bidding?!
By the way, she has no reason whatsoever to be sad in this moment that I captured. She wanted to cuddle with me and I wanted her to sit for just one second.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
July 13, 2011
Welcome to the family, Tosca! This sweet little boxer mix was adopted by my roommate this afternoon and she's such a darling!
Welcome to the family, Tosca! This sweet little boxer mix was adopted by my roommate this afternoon and she's such a darling!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
July 12, 2011
This luscious strawberry was ginormous. Past tense. It was so tasty.
Humongous. Gigantic. Extremely large.
This luscious strawberry was ginormous. Past tense. It was so tasty.
Humongous. Gigantic. Extremely large.
Monday, July 11, 2011
July 11, 2011
In one of those rare moments, when the veil between this world and another reality is slightly lifted, I felt the hush of wonder flitter through my mind and come to rest quietly on the bottom of my soul. Then, just as silently as it came, it danced away in the evening breeze.
In one of those rare moments, when the veil between this world and another reality is slightly lifted, I felt the hush of wonder flitter through my mind and come to rest quietly on the bottom of my soul. Then, just as silently as it came, it danced away in the evening breeze.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
July 10, 2011
No new dog yet. My roommate and I decided to go get a pedicure this afternoon, so we found a cute nail salon with fantastic massage chairs, a complementary glass of wine, and 30 minutes of being pampered. It was wonderful!
No new dog yet. My roommate and I decided to go get a pedicure this afternoon, so we found a cute nail salon with fantastic massage chairs, a complementary glass of wine, and 30 minutes of being pampered. It was wonderful!
July 9, 2011
Big project of the day was to detail the dog. Duncan lost about 5 lbs. of hair (not really that much), nails trimmed, hair clipped, and a sudsy hose bath in the backyard, and all to meet a potential brother or sister tomorrow!
Big project of the day was to detail the dog. Duncan lost about 5 lbs. of hair (not really that much), nails trimmed, hair clipped, and a sudsy hose bath in the backyard, and all to meet a potential brother or sister tomorrow!
Friday, July 8, 2011
July 8, 2011
There's nothing quite like a bowl full of ice cream blanketed with fresh strawberries and peaches sprinkled with coconut!
There's nothing quite like a bowl full of ice cream blanketed with fresh strawberries and peaches sprinkled with coconut!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
July 6, 2011
I've got to find me a cowboy to go dancing with! Maybe not one who's 50 years older than me. But he shore 'nuf knew how to dance!
I've got to find me a cowboy to go dancing with! Maybe not one who's 50 years older than me. But he shore 'nuf knew how to dance!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
July 5, 2011
I have a long, sad story. This is a starfish. This is not my starfish. I did not pick this starfish up off the beach. I know who did. What this starfish doesn't know is that it is about to take a 1,200 mile trip to Minnesota, to the person who picked it up off the beach. So obviously I am not the one who picked it up off the beach.
The sad part of the story is why the starfish is on the paper towel.
I have a long, sad story. This is a starfish. This is not my starfish. I did not pick this starfish up off the beach. I know who did. What this starfish doesn't know is that it is about to take a 1,200 mile trip to Minnesota, to the person who picked it up off the beach. So obviously I am not the one who picked it up off the beach.
The sad part of the story is why the starfish is on the paper towel.
July 4, 2011
Happy Independence Day! Nothing says 4th of July like fireworks and a hometown parade. I couldn't decide which photo to post, so here are a few photos of the day:
High School band + great angle with the sun = photo of the day.
However, this guys is playing the banjo. On a unicycle.
And there's just too many funny things about this photo. Starting with the old lady on the left.
Finally, God Bless America!
Happy Independence Day! Nothing says 4th of July like fireworks and a hometown parade. I couldn't decide which photo to post, so here are a few photos of the day:
High School band + great angle with the sun = photo of the day.
However, this guys is playing the banjo. On a unicycle.
And there's just too many funny things about this photo. Starting with the old lady on the left.
Finally, God Bless America!
Monday, July 4, 2011
July 3, 2011
There's nothing quite like sitting around a campfire with good friends and some toasty marshmallows on a holiday weekend!
There's nothing quite like sitting around a campfire with good friends and some toasty marshmallows on a holiday weekend!
Saturday, July 2, 2011
July 2, 1011
After forgetting about my non-blooming orchids for several months, they all decided to start sprouting new leaves. All of a sudden, out pops a new shoot with buds on the little phalaenopsis. There will probably be a photo of the day of it blooming in a few weeks.
After forgetting about my non-blooming orchids for several months, they all decided to start sprouting new leaves. All of a sudden, out pops a new shoot with buds on the little phalaenopsis. There will probably be a photo of the day of it blooming in a few weeks.
Friday, July 1, 2011
July 1, 2011
Ack! I'm slacking off! Barely posting in time! This is it for tonight-- see you all tomorrow...
Ack! I'm slacking off! Barely posting in time! This is it for tonight-- see you all tomorrow...
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