
Tuesday, May 31, 2011


May 31, 2011
Kung Fu Panda 2 movie night with the youth group!  This was baby Ellie's first major motion picture event in the theater!  She laughed and cried at all the right moments!  This photo was taken as "Uncle" Jesse took away her popcorn because she was throwing it all over the floor.  But the nook doesn't have butter on it!

Just kidding. That didn't really happen, but this really was in the theater.

Monday, May 30, 2011


May 30, 2011
I've come to the end of a fantastic 3-day weekend!  After sleeping in, I mustered my resolve to conquer the backyard-- mowed the lawn, pulled weeds, and then my ultimate achievement: created a raised bed for a veggie garden!  The seeds are purchased and the soil prepared, now it will just take some planting and slug-hunting to have a successful garden. 

Sunday, May 29, 2011


May 29, 2011
My new hobby is running.  Ha.  No, really, it is.  I need to get outfitted in some good running gear and get ready to pound the pavement in training for the Warrior Dash in September!  Me and my shaggy dog need to burn off some winter weight and get those muscles in shape, so we ran/jogged/walked 2 miles this evening in the misty drizzle.  This photo is Duncan telling me to put my camera away and get him in the car so we can start running!  What a chunky monkey!


May 28, 2011
There's nothing like taking a drive in the country on a Saturday afternoon and stopping to enjoy some smooth local wine.  I had a difficult time deciding between two photos for today: one of an old crumbling stair, and the other of a scenic field of pinot noir vine rows.

Friday, May 27, 2011


May 27, 2011
It's not that I gave up on my diet two days too early, it's just that I didn't want finish it. Tired of zucchini, asparagus, and chicken.  So, my fabulous co-worker gave me a chunk of elk summer sausage tonight, and I picked up a slab of brie.  Yay for being disciplined for almost three weeks!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


May 26, 2011
Tonight I had the opportunity to listen to a fabulous high school choir concert! Here is a snapshot of the vocalists (and the shadowy silhouette of the choir director).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


May 25, 2011
Ah, this evening I experienced the best massage I've ever had!  Alyssa, owner of Forever Young Bodyworks, treated me to an end-of-a-stressful-day relaxation with hot stones and basil-eucalyptus oil.  I will refer everyone I know to this amazing woman!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


May 24, 2011
I love food (if you didn't already know) and I'm trying to be a healthy eater.  Here's my snack for tomorrow: mini bell peppers and celery with almond butter. YUM.

Monday, May 23, 2011


May 23, 2011
Last Christmas found me opening a present that contained a book on knitting.  After spending Christmas weekend alone on the couch watching movies, "casting on," knitting, purling, missing stitches, ripping rows down to nothing, "casting on" again and again and again and again, I finally knitted a small square, and then threw the ball of yarn into a drawer and shut it. So tonight, I opened the drawer (after some effort and finally ripping the top off of my night stand because the drawer was stuck shut), grabbed the ball of yarn and blue 10.5 needles, and headed over to my friend Becca's house to have her teach me some knitting skills.  I'll work on it more this week.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


May 22, 2011
Ah!  The first day off I've had in twenty-three days!  What beauty and delight!  I am, however, not ready for it to be 10 pm yet.  As one of my favorite haunts is a coffee shop, that's where rainy today found me with a caramel soy latte in my palm and Photoshop up on my computer screen, editing photos of fabulous Jenn (check out her site at!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


May 21, 2011
Final day at AGC! Sad day. I've made some of the best friends in the world, even while wearing a purple pillowcase.  Maybe we can still do some BBQ's and camping trips this summer? This photo is Katy and I after a long, crazy day.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


May 19, 2011
Going away party at Big Al's for a few wonderful Purple People!  Aww! Miss you guys! BIG HUG.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


May 18, 2011
The day the sun shone! Shined.  (Shone?)  Anyways: Sun+Lunch+Alyssa+Park= A wonderful lunch in the park with Alyssa!  Here's to many more!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


May 17, 2011
I love my friends.  So basically, if I'm around and you're about to do something potentially hilarious, you will live in infamy.  That's all there is to it.  Here's a saying to write on the refrigerator (I'm making this up as I go along): "If you want to laugh all of your life, surround yourself with people who make you laugh."

And yes, I think those are gummy bears in the green bag.

Monday, May 16, 2011


May 16, 2011
Alack!  I lay reading in bed, covers snuggled tightly around my chin with my cat curled on top of me and it suddenly struck me:  I forgot to post my photo!  With a cringe, I throw off the blankets and dash down the winding stairs to quickly download the following photo:

Second time is a charm with Charles Dickens! (Meaning, it's the second time I've started it, and this time I'll read it all the way through.)

Sunday, May 15, 2011


May 15, 2011
Even though the day was drizzly and chilled, Presley and I made some warm brews in the coffee shop! And almost got busted for having too much fun!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


May 13, 2011
Hanging out with the high school kids is one of my favorite things to do!  After dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory, we played a rousing game of Settlers of Catan. Except, I haven't played the game for at least 10 years and after a long two weeks of non-stop work, my brain was fried.  But I came in second place!


May 12, 2011
Since Blogger was down yesterday so I couldn't post, today is yesterday and I'll add one for today, too!
A few words: Backyard. Sunset. Lilacs. *sigh*

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


May 11, 2011
Another food entry?! Yes, but this will probably be the last one for a few weeks, because I'm on a special eating plan to boost vegetable intake, rev up my metabolism, and have more energy, less stress, and overall feel better.  Here's to steamed zucchini and asparagus every night for the next 18 days!  (I am of course eating fish, salad, chicken, summer squash, berries, apples, and celery with almond butter, too, so don't worry...)  So my food photos would be boring if they were all asparagus.  Which they kinda' are anyway.

Eat a lot of asparagus.  It's good for you.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


May 10, 2011
Sorry to let my loyal followers down tonight-- I've got nothing but a bad joke:

Monday, May 9, 2011


May 9, 2011
I figured that if I heated up the grill tonight, summer would get the hint and come over for a BBQ.  We'll see if it works.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


May 8, 2011
Since it's Mother's Day and I don't have my mom here to photograph, I took a picture of a couple cute things my mom has sent me over the miles.  The Hugs & Kisses pillow was from a few years ago and I always have it on my bed, along with floppy eared bunny given to me this past Easter.  I love you Mom!  You are the best mom in the whole world and I just couldn't imagine not having the love and support you give me!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011


May 6, 2011
After wintering-over my faery pink geranium named Princess Chrysanthemum (yes, it is) for a second year, the lovely little lady decided to start blooming in the house.  I purchased her as a baby when I lived in Colorado two years ago, and took her with me to MN for the summer and then out to Oregon, where she's hibernated over the winters and started blooming in the spring!  It's obviously time for some sunshine!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


May 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Mom!  Tonight I partook of a Cinco de Mayo feast with some wonderful women friends.  Fajitas, 7-layer dip, taco salad, tortilla soup, rice, black beans!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


May 4, 2011
I ventured outside during lunch today and settled at a park picnic table to work on my freckles.  With my eyes closed, the sunshine whispered against my cheeks while the breeze pranced through the newly waking leaves.  It was a beautiful time of rest.  AAHHOOGAAA! An old "convertible" tooted by...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


May 3, 2011
This is so random: Out of the mundane occurances in my life, I wanted to share this one with you.  While sorting my clothes for washing tonight, I was ripping tags off new clothes and searching for washing instructions. Out of the bag jumps a new white skirt with six, count 'em SIX tags, DOUBLE SIDED with twenty-six, count 'em, TWENTY-SIX languages. I KNOW.

Some people carry the world on their shoulders... I carry it on my butt.

Monday, May 2, 2011


May 2, 2011
*Spoiler Alert* I full realize this photo looks a little gross.  However, I have to share this unique recipe for those of you who might try to make some of the things I post.  This recipe for Asparagus and Rhubarb (yes) came from the Northwest Vegetarian Cookbook.  The recipe calls for fresh mushrooms, but since I don't have any and don't like them, they're not included in my photo.
Here's how you make it:
Saute fresh asparagus (and mushrooms) in butter and olive oil (I used almond oil) for a couple minutes.  Add about 2 cups chopped rhubarb and simmer for a few minutes (I covered it).  The rhubarb will add a bunch of water, so it won't burn.  Add some salt and pepper, and about 2 Tbsp. honey, stir; remove from heat, and let sit for about 5 min.
Also in my meal was the basic ingredients/recipe for Gallo Pinto (see April 12) except with white beans, and baked salmon patty with honey, soy sauce, s & p, and garlic salt.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


May 1, 2011!
Whew! April showers bring May flowers, historically.  We can only hope for this joy!  Speaking of joy, this morning in church baby Ellie was dedicated to God by her family.  In some denominations, infant baptism is practiced, however, as Jesus was dedicated to God by his parents a week after his birth (Luke 2:21-40), churches often "dedicate" babies.  This is not a part nor an act of salvation, it is simply a family's promise to God to raise their child in love and obedience to God.  It is a simple and beautiful prayer.


April 30, 2011
Photoshoot on a beautiful spring evening with Jenn Fidanzo for her clothing line Trend Lightly. Check out her Etsy store at